Years ago I read a quote that I really like by Gallileo Galilei, the 16th century Italian astronomer and physicist who some people refer to as ‘the father of science’. The quote ‘Misura ciò che è misurabile, e rendi misurabile ciò che non lo è’ translates as: ‘measure that which is measurable, and make measurable that which is not.’
Month: October 2018
Why a Best of Breed ERP Solution Makes Sense for the Food and Beverage Industry
The food and beverage industry, much like any other industry, is filled with challenges: maintaining a reliable and high performing labor force, machinery uptime, shipping deadlines, bringing in enough sales, cash flow, packaging and so much more.
Why Software Upgrades are Essential
Whether it’s upgrading to the latest version of your ERP, or your computer’s operating system, we often hesitate to click the ‘update’ button, especially for first iterations.
Bill Gates aptly captioned this: “People always fear change”. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn’t they?” Whether that fear stems from a perceived risk, or the time needed for implementation, this resistance to change can negatively impact an organization by causing confusion and inefficiencies that drain resources.
3 Reasons to Treat Your ERP Software like an Asset
ERP systems are substantial business investments, yet their perceived value is often allowed to depreciate over time. Business owners and managers seem to accept application erosion as the norm, but good ERP systems are built to last. The problem lies not in the software, but in the way, it is used.
5 Ways ERP and CRM Integration Allows Manufacturers and Distributors to Reap the Rewards of Being Customer Scientists
Reading Time: 4 minutesIn this time of digital transformation, manufacturers and distributors have their work cut out for them. The importance of a connected supply chain and the proliferation of smart manufacturing requires teams to put an entirely new level of focus on the customer to ultimately predict performance and remain competitive. Diving into the data at a … Read more
The Machine that Changed the World, or an Introduction to Lean Manufacturing and ERP
The Industrial Machinery and Equipment market is all about machines – designing, making, modifying, selling, and using machines. But behind these machines, like the automobiles we see on the road, are the machines that made the parts that became the automobile…and behind those machines sits an even bigger machine.
6 Important Factors when Investing in the Right ERP Supplier
Industry 4.0 (deemed the fourth industrial revolution) has brought about rapid change and digital transformation. It has also paved the way for businesses to reap the rewards of successful ERP implementations. With process and data automation, integration, increased efficiencies and many other business benefits, the question is no longer whether to invest in ERP but rather how best to go about it.