The easy way out

Human beings are strange creatures in many ways. One of the habits we all have is a tendency to avoid doing a difficult job today in favor of a quicker workaround, despite the fact we know in the long run we would be better off implementing the proper solution at the start. It frustrates me that even though I am hyper aware of this tendency, I still fall victim to it.

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ERP Systems Can Help Small Companies, Too

People often assume that ERP systems are only for larger companies. But, consider this – if you run a small or medium sized business, do you lie awake at night worrying about the following things:

  • Is there a way to improve our inefficient processes?
  • Can we grow without growing pains?
  • Will the business remain viable or successful in the long term?

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Managing Governance and Compliance

Ten years ago, in 2002, a law was passed in the US Congress that has had a lasting effect on business. The law was Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and introduced sweeping changes to financial reporting. Other countries followed suit, and now wherever you go the regulatory requirements for governance and compliance reporting have continued to grow. This includes other areas of businesses as well, including: manufacturing, supply chain, product quality and safety.

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Mapping ERP systems to manufacturing needs

Given the importance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, many manufacturers might find selecting the right one for their needs to be an overwhelming experience.

Successful manufacturers are able to tailor their ERP systems to react to market trends and pull the information required to make business-critical decisions timeously. For the most part, they rely on vendors that can become their partners in the ongoing drive for great efficiencies and profitability.

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