The Role of the CEO and ERP in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a hot topic these days. As the name implies, a digital transformation journey is one that will – if it is successful – completely transform how an organization operates by overhauling old processes.

This transformation could result in a completely different company and for this reason, it is imperative that the CEO becomes the driving force behind it. Team leads and the CIO will be able to make decisions for their departments, but strong guidance from the top is needed to help the process along, get buy-in from all stakeholders, and allocate the correct funding and resources.

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Connected Systems are Making Intelligent Manufacturing Possible

The original industrial revolution transformed not just the way humans manufactured things, but how and where we lived. Today, what was once cutting-edge now seems hopelessly dated, and we are well into the fourth industrial age or Industry 4.0 – the age of automation and data transfer. Connected systems are empowering companies engaged in intelligent manufacturing.  

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Reveal the True Colors of Your Business with the Right ERP Software

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn a recent conversation with my 14-year-old daughter, she asked me what I do for work. My immediate response was: “I serve others.””I know that dad,”she replied with a smile, “but how do you do that?” In my explanation of what I do, I raised the fact that SYSPRO has recently released the most exciting … Read more

Overcoming the Top 5 Manufacturing Business Challenges with ERP

Few industries have been left unscathed by the break-neck pace of change that has defined the 21st century. Businesses have had to find ways in which they are able to future-proof themselves by constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of customers and partners.

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The Advantages of MOM or MES – The Foundation for a Digital Smart Factory

Since the release of SYSPRO’s Manufacturing Operations Management solution (SYSPRO MOM), I’ve spent many hours explaining to customers the difference between MOM and MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems). The terms are used so that they generate more than their fair share of confusion.

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