Trust and Moving to the Cloud

The Coronavirus pandemic caused people to take notice of what technology could do. The IDC has reported that over 65% of companies have accelerated digital initiatives. Recently, surveys have indicated that companies are optimistic about growth in 2021 and going forward. But as businesses navigate the new post-COVID world and assess opportunities for growth, many are having to evaluate technologies that are relatively new to them – that includes cloud computing.

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Building a Case for Industry 4.0

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt was Robert Shiller, a Yale University Professor of Economics and Nobel laureate who famously said “You cannot wait until a house burns down to buy fire insurance on it. We cannot wait until there are massive dislocations in our society to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” This quote has been particularly pertinent over … Read more

Managing Your ERP Vendor’s Software Partnerships

In 1969, the largest computer company in the world at that time, IBM, decided to unbundle its software from its hardware. This opened up the world to a new business – the independent software vendor – and led to partnering between different vendors. By the 1990s, many IT companies were establishing formal partner or alliances teams to ensure that the partnerships they entered into were successful and delivered value to the business and to customers.

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How Cloud ERP can Help Manufacturers

“The future is no longer what it used to be” is a quote attributed to Paul Valéry describing the dramatically changed worldviews and new emerging mindsets that arose after the First World War. Many businesses are now facing a situation where their old assumptions are being challenged, and the rules of the old game are becoming obsolete.

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How Automation Can Activate Your Digital Transformation Journey

During the pandemic, many industry players were caught off guard by inefficient business systems and manual processes. As workforces are being transformed, many manufacturers and distributors have started to see the true benefits of process automation. Businesses have realized that the digital toolkit available to them has grown and they can consider technology-centered solutions. In fact, our recent CFO 4.0 survey showed this, where 44% of businesses singled out warehouse and advanced manufacturing process automation as a key focus area moving forward.

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Take Control of Your Inventory in 2021

As the ripples from 2020’s global events are still being felt throughout the manufacturing industry, now more than ever it is essential for manufacturers to manage their supply chain, forecast demand, and use production resources as efficiently as possible. It is during challenging periods such as these that manufacturing businesses need to review the tools they use to plan and manage inventory and production. A tool which has received some attention is DDMRP (Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning).

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