
Picture of Kevin Dherman

Kevin Dherman

Kevin is the Chief Innovation Officer at SYSPRO Corporate. A technology strategist at heart, Kevin is an expert on the tech trends impacting the ERP industry, the rise of robotics, and the impact of AI and IOT on manufacturing and distribution. Kevin has been with SYSPRO since 1999 and has been the driving force behind the company’s emerging technology strategy. He has been critical to the development of the Industry 4.0 capabilities in SYSPRO’s latest ERP release.

Posts by Kevin Dherman

Cloud ERPCloud computing

The Cloud for Manufacturers and Distributors

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a decision-maker in a manufacturing or distribution-oriented company, you no doubt have seen or heard discussions about cloud computing. …

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ERP for Manufacturing

Manufacturers’ IT Ambitions, and How SYSPRO’s ISV Extended Solutions Can Help Sharpen ERP Systems

Reading Time: 4 minutes What do manufacturers and distributors want from their ERP system? The answers, according to a recent survey to our customers, include …

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Cloud ERPCloud computing

How Cloud ERP can Help Manufacturers

Reading Time: 4 minutes “The future is no longer what it used to be” is a quote attributed to Paul Valéry describing the dramatically …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP and Digitization

Ways to Secure Your Digital Future

Reading Time: 5 minutes The world is still reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For most manufacturers, supply chain disruptions highlighted the …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

Where AI can be Used in Manufacturing

Reading Time: 6 minutes Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining a lot of attention and the interest has accelerated like other areas of technology as …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

What are Chatbots and How can they Help Business?

Reading Time: 7 minutes The role of the CIO is changing from performance and efficiency to include systems that give insights that can enrich …

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Cloud ERPBusiness software

Why Put your ERP in the Cloud

Reading Time: 6 minutes In 2020, organizations have become much more aware that applications can run in the cloud. It is no longer taken …

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ERP and Technology

How Manufacturers Can Pivot from Response to Reconceptualization

Reading Time: 4 minutes Over the past few months, the impact of the pandemic has left many organizations with no choice but to scale …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

The Smart Factory: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Distribution

Reading Time: 7 minutes It’s been around for decades but only in recent years has artificial intelligence (AI) emerged from the research labs into …

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