
ERP and Digitization

Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

The Levels of Digital Maturity for Your Company

Reading Time: 4 minutes Does digital transformation require radical re-thinking? For traditional companies, the prospect of a complete digital overhaul has left many businesses …

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Digital Business and ERPEducation

How Manufacturers can Easily Transition into the Future of Work – Key Considerations

Reading Time: 3 minutes The acceleration of technological adoption has created a new frontier for the world of work. With the rise of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, e-commerce …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

The Importance of Using Digital Technologies In the Supply Chain

Reading Time: 6 minutes For businesses involved in moving and distributing goods around the country or the world, the pandemic of 2020 has shown …

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ERP ImplementationBusiness software

How COOs can Contribute to Software Selection and Deployment

Reading Time: 5 minutes The COO is at the center of business. While the role of the COO differs from organization to organization, it …

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Cloud ERPBusiness software

Why Put your ERP in the Cloud

Reading Time: 6 minutes In 2020, organizations have become much more aware that applications can run in the cloud. It is no longer taken …

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ERP ImplementationBusiness software

How the Modern CFO can Contribute to Software Selection and Use

Reading Time: 6 minutes In the past, the role of the CFO was about ensuring accounting and reporting of past activities and booking transactions …

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ERP for Metal FabricationBusiness software

4 Ways to Ensure your Quotation Process Leads to Profit Every Time

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ways to Ensure your Quotation Process Leads to Profit Every Time To ensure a healthy bottom line for your Metal …

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ERP ImplementationBusiness software

What Leaders Need to Consider before Implementing ERP

Reading Time: 5 minutes This year, the pandemic has really emphasized and accentuated the need for companies to critically look at business operations. Technology …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

8 Positive Technology Trends to Come out of COVID-19

Reading Time: 6 minutes For decades the world has remained in a comfort zone.  Business models have been largely ‘analog’ in nature – reliant on …

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