What does value mean to you? To me it’s extremely personal as the perception of value will differ dramatically based on one’s personal taste, experience and cultural background. It also has an expiration date, by this I mean the first time you experience something beneficial, you perceive huge value in it, but the more familiar it becomes, the more it tends toward being expected, taken for granted.
Month: May 2018
Scalability Enables Businesses to Unleash Their Full Growth Potential
Reading Time: 3 minutes“Scalability is a key factor for any ERP solution’s ability to deliver optimal performance and future proof a customer’s business. It makes it easier for an organization to implement new functionality as its needs change, and enable better management of the addition of new processes and/or departments to the business’s ERP ecosystem.” – Russell Hollick, Chief Software Architect, SYSPRO. The Future of Production In January 2018, the World … Read more
Industry-built ERP: Tackling Industrial Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Challenges
The Industrial Machinery and Equipment (IM&E) manufacturing industry faces some unique challenges, many of which have been around for some time. While generic ERP systems may be adequate for simpler manufacturing situations, IM&E requires a solution with strong capabilities for complex equipment specification and production, comprehensive quoting and estimating, integrated quality management, and meticulous traceability.
SYSPRO’s Latest ERP Release Takes Industry-Built Functionality to the Next Level for Manufacturing and Distribution Sectors
Reading Time: 2 minutesBased on 40 years of industry experience, SYSPRO’s ERP solution is built to deliver industry-specific functionality for manufacturers and distributors. SYSPRO believes Enterprise Resource Planning is the heart of any manufacturing and distribution operation. To be effective today in these two sectors, the solutions offered need to be industry-built, specifically to address the unique industry … Read more
Which Modules Do You Need in an ERP Platform?
Reading Time: 5 minutesThis article was written by guest contributor, Taylor Burke. Burke is a writer for TechnologyAdvice, covering marketing and sales. She’s passionate about helping brands become more authentic, transparent, and connected with their audiences. The digital revolution is changing everything about the way we work. Where we do it, when we do it, the titles we … Read more
ERP Solutions for Improved Planning, Production and Automation in the Manufacturing Industry
Since the ‘90s, businesses have used Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to get a better view of what is happening across their organization. It originally evolved as a system of record with the primary driver of tying-in, and producing, a single view of an integrated transaction.
The Infinite Possibilities of Mobile ERP
Parents, especially those who had kids later in life (as I did), will occasionally find themselves explaining things that make them feel…well…ancient! The other day, for example, I was talking to my six-year-old boy while flipping through photos on my old iPhone. Certain old family pictures triggered a discussion of grandparents and great grandparents. That gave me an idea, and I pulled out an old photo album. As I searched for a picture of my son’s great grandparents, a look came over his face that I can only describe as ‘startled’. Then the questions began:
How to Maximize your Food and Beverage Supply Chain with ERP
Taking the food supply chain for granted these days is risky. Different rules apply when bacteria is found in your product as opposed to, for example, the odd squirt of petroleum grease that may affect the automotive industry. And, to add to the horror, it may still be growing, ripening or fermenting in its packaging. Completely unlike the problems experienced with automotive components or fabricated metal sheets that arrive from your supplier. Even sparkling drinks can osmose through their plastic bottles if they sit on the shelf too long.
Digital Twins: “Living Models” Create Value from Data Streams for Electronic Manufacturers
We live, and work in a world, where Big Data management tools, affordable cloud computing and storage, and AI machine-learning algorithms, have converged to provide us with a constant stream of analytical information. The challenge we face is decoding the data’s messages, and finding effective ways to put the learnings to good use.