
Picture of Rishal Balkissoon

Rishal Balkissoon

Rishal Balkissoon joined SYSPRO in September 2017 as a Business Analyst in the Product Management Department. Although his background is in Chemical Engineering, Rishal has an avid interest in strategy, corporate finance, supply chain and innovation. This, coupled with his exposure to large industries injects a “disruptive” phenomenology into his business ecosystem. Rishal also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management and is completing an MBA at Gordons Institute of Business Science. When offline he enjoys adrenaline-filled outdoor experiences.

Posts by Rishal Balkissoon

Digital Business and ERP

How Plastics and Rubber can use ERP for Digital Transformation and Improve Efficiencies

Reading Time: 3 minutes Organizations today operate in a dynamic continuum where the rules of competition and operation are constantly evolving. No industry is …

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Digital Business and ERP

The Digital Supply Chain Part 4: Choosing a Technology Partner for the Digital Age

Reading Time: 2 minutes Smart factories of the future driven by robots, computers and AI, are no longer the stuff of science fiction. We …

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Digital Business and ERP

The Digital Supply Chain Part 3: 5 Steps to Positioning for Optimization

Reading Time: 3 minutes “What a business needs most for its decisions – especially strategic ones, is data about what goes on outside it. …

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Digital Business and ERP

The Digital Supply Chain Part 2: The Rise of Industry 4.0

Reading Time: 2 minutes The first industrial revolution in the late 18th century brought with it mechanisation and steam power.  Mass production, assembly lines …

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ERP and Technology

The Digital Supply Chain (Part 1)

Reading Time: 2 minutes When it comes to harnessing the power of technology, not all business functions have been treated with equal priority. In …

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ERP for Manufacturing

Digital Twins: “Living Models” Create Value from Data Streams for Electronic Manufacturers

Reading Time: 4 minutes We live, and work in a world, where Big Data management tools, affordable cloud computing and storage, and AI machine-learning …

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Managing-Operating ERP

Using ERP to Create Competitive Advantage

Reading Time: 3 minutes Businesses today operate in an economy that is structured around being dynamic. We hear technical terms such as “disruption”, “industry …

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ERP for Manufacturing

Top 10 Key Qualities for Selecting an ERP System for Electronics

Reading Time: 2 minutes The “one size fits all” approach has never been ideal for business owners when selecting ERP in manufacturing, this is …

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