Business after COVID-19

There’s a saying “Old ways won’t open new doors.” It’s now fairly obvious that the relaxation of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 lockdown (aka stay at home) will only be gradual, in most countries. Whatever the “new normal” is going to be, it’s going to be very different to what we were used to. How will manufacturers and distributors adapt to these revolutionary changes?

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What Manufacturers Can Do Now to Maintain Continuity in the New Normal

Manufacturers and distributors are operating in intensely pressured times as a result of COVID-19. According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 78.3% of manufacturers anticipate a financial impact, while 53.1% anticipate a change in operations.

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Adopting Technology and Upskilling Employees is Vital during COVID-19

No crisis is an isolated, neatly contained incident, and the COVID-19 outbreak is exceptional by any standards. In order to future-proof and position your organization’s sustainable long-term growth, digital transformation requires a combination of talent, digital skills, and the use of available technologies.

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Re-skilling the Workforce – After Covid/Before Covid

We all know that the world is going through a major change that will lead to us running our lives differently than we did BC (Before COVID). What some businesses are beginning to realize though is that their workforce will need to learn new skills AC/DC (After COVID/During COVID).

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How Clean is Your Data, to Get the Best ROI from Your ERP?

I’ve been observing friends and colleague’s behavior during the COVID-19 social distancing and one of the things that I and many of my friends are doing is Spring-cleaning our homes, our e-mails, and our laptops. So it struck me, why not “Spring-clean” our SYSPRO data and systems?

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Merging Technology with Employee Wellbeing to Reimagine the Future of Work

Over the last few weeks, one thing has become clear – the world as we know it has changed. As social distancing becomes the new normal, entire workforces have needed to connect as well as collaborate remotely.

At SYSPRO, our immediate response was to set up a COVID-19 task team to manage the impact of the pandemic. In preparation for business continuity, it became apparent that two components play a critical role – technology and people. On one side of the coin, we needed to be digitally ready for business continuity, and simultaneously, the safety and prioritization of people has had to take precedence. Together, these elements have paved the way for the future of work to reach the world sooner than we imagined.

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Working-From-Home (WFH) – Finding the Positives and Adapting our Processes

20+ days in lockdown to stave off the Covid-19 virus – what are you learning about yourself and your environment?

So after many working days including a long ‘holiday’ weekend in a Working-from-Home (WFH) “environment”, am I safe and well? Yes, I guess so, at least I know I’m safer in that I don’t share the virus with others. But self-isolation means I want to share my thoughts on survival in this invisible battle, the sometimes-cacophonous silence, and worry about severe health consequences from a stranger.

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How ERP can Help the Circular Economy

This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, an annual event where communities and individuals come together to demonstrate support for the environment, and environmental protection. Since the 1990s, one of the themes has been the issue of recycling, and out of the awareness generated by that has emerged the concept of “the circular economy”. The core message of the circular economy is ‘take, make, reuse’, which is in contrast to the traditional (linear) approach of ‘take, make, dispose’

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