Industry 4.0: Building the right skills to meet the factory of the future

Reading Time: 5 minutes“So far, our application of universal transfer devices has been rather smooth. It does present a training requirement, the need for new skills for industry 4.0 because there will be a great force of technical specialists to operate and maintain the machines. We’ve moved slowly in this area.” — Paul F. Guy, Ford Motor Company’s … Read more

What are the true causes of ongoing supply chain disruptions?

Reading Time: 6 minutesContrary to general opinion, the causes of the supply chain disruptions currently being experienced worldwide were prevalent long before the Covid-19 pandemic. The US-China trade war got the ball rolling and exposed the problem by highlighting the worldwide shortage of containers. There are many causes, for example, container ships from Asia are now too large … Read more

How business intelligence can boost customer centricity

Reading Time: 5 minutesGlobally, the use of data is growing — and in the past two years, the pandemic has been the main driver behind worldwide data growth, including increased internet access and a new way of working. The pandemic also opened the door for new competitors, an increased need for predictive data, and a need for new … Read more

Why manufacturers should integrate business intelligence tools into their ERP software

Reading Time: 3 minutesManufacturers rely on data and their ERP platform to answer critical questions: What are our inventory levels? How much does it cost us to manufacture this product? Which vendors are late delivering components to us? But gaining competitive advantage requires more than just answering the obvious questions. With business intelligence (BI), organizations can identify questions … Read more