
Picture of Deirdré Fryer

Deirdré Fryer

Deirdré Fryer is the Head of Solutions for SYSPRO Africa. Her specialization lies in understanding customer requirements and driving product improvement within the African continent. Throughout her career she has worked in software licensing, support, ERP projects as well as managing the SYSPRO Academy. With a passion for solving challenges, she is always looking for the opportunity to bring technology, people and business together with the aim of creating value and smiles, lots and lots of smiles.

Posts by Deirdré Fryer

Managing-Operating ERP

Financial Reporting Simplified with ERP

Reading Time: 4 minutes We cannot plan the project or meeting for that date, it’s month end. We definitely can’t do training now, finance …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERP

In ERP as with all else “Practice Makes Perfect”

Reading Time: 2 minutes My daughter is 8 years old and recently enthused about auditioning for the latest round of Idols but when I …

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Services and Support for ERP

Get Ready for More Changes in ERP Education

Reading Time: 3 minutes Get Ready for More Changes in ERP Education As we roll over into a new year, I am reminded of …

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Services and Support for ERP

Sustainability in ERP Education Key for Stable Employment

Reading Time: 3 minutes As a result of the IT skills talent pool being scarce locally we often battle to find interns for our …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP and Analytics

How Data Visualization Adds Value to Your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes Opinions vary around the usefulness of data visualization in making informed and strategic business decisions. If the data visualization adds …

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