
Picture of Darren Edwards

Darren Edwards

As the Head of Product Operations at SYSPRO, Darren is responsible for the onboarding of new SYSPRO solutions within the organization by ensuring product and organizational readiness. With a diverse background, Darren and his team ensure oversee the entire Release-to-Market process, from inception through to market. Darren’s strategic approach to this role is informed by over a decade of experience at SYSPRO in a variety of positions. His holistic, analysis-driven approach to achieving operational excellence is key to ensuring the commercial success of SYSPRO products. He is a skilled technologist, passionate about client satisfaction.

Posts by Darren Edwards

ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

How analytics embedded in your ERP system can enable different manufacturing roles

Reading Time: 4 minutes As data becomes a critical resource in modern organizations, business users are clamoring for tools to ease access to data …

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Four benefits of centralized analytics within your ERP system
Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Analytics

Four benefits of centralized analytics within your ERP system

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s common that manufacturing and distribution enterprises would use a third-party Business Intelligence (BI) solution to analyze and interpret data from their …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Analytics

How business intelligence can enable you to be a data-driven manufacturer

Reading Time: 3 minutes The manufacturing industry is currently undergoing a rapid digital transformation, and as a result, companies are generating vast amounts of …

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Cloud ERPERP Implementation

The challenge for manufacturers of cloud sovereignty

Reading Time: 6 minutes It was not that long ago that the concept of data and system ownership was a nonissue. Most organizations ran …

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ERP ImplementationERP Implementation

Using an ERP system to provide data for decision-making in manufacturing

Reading Time: 5 minutes Manufacturers increasingly turning to data and analytics, from an ERP system, to support business initiatives. Data is after all the …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP Implementation

ERP for process manufacturing

Reading Time: 9 minutes There is a belief that manufacturing is a mechanical process with not much thinking involved. While this is wrong for …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Technology

6 Challenges Facing Procurement and How to Address Them

Reading Time: 5 minutes The effects of the Coronavirus pandemic are far from over and a recovery timeframe is anything but certain. Among the …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Digitization

The True Value of ERP Channel Partners in the Age of Digitalization

Reading Time: 3 minutes The age of digitalization has changed the world as we know it. Over the last few weeks, we have seen the …

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ERP for DistributionSelecting ERP

8 Steps to Selecting the Right ERP

Reading Time: 4 minutes Amazingly, the ERP industry is now over 40 years old. In 40 years, most veterans of ERP will have noted …

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